mercoledì 2 aprile 2008

Looking for some Hot Stuff...

Pocahontas is Hot Stuff for example....
NO.....volevo scrivere di altre cose!

Azoto liquido......o come si dice in inglese,Liquid nitrogen.
E che l'e'..........a che serve,come e perche' si usa!

Calmezza......ecco le risposte...alcune:

* in the study of cryogenics
* the immersion freezing and transportation of food products
* the cryopreservation of blood, reproductive cells (sperm and egg), and other biological samples and materials
* the cryonic preservation of humans and pets in the hope of future reanimation.
* as a cooling supplement for overclocking a central processing unit, a graphics processing unit, or another type of computer hardware
* in the process of promession, a way to dispose of the dead.
* cooling a high-temperature superconductor to a temperature sufficient to achieve superconductivity.

Ma.... come al solito,deve sempre uscire lo scenziato/a alternativo.......
Evvai viva la scienza !!!

1 commenti:

Luggio ha detto...

dobbiamo vedere che se ne fa dopo....